Product no.: oro

Solar cover of 500 microns gold color Geobooble double bubble technology for better performance.


8.80 *

This product is no loger available


Product no.: ori

The edge stitching around the heating element can engage the reel and prevent friction of your product.


3.90 / m *

can be shipped within 1 days

Product no.: Standar s-80

Mobile reel telescopic tubes and stainless steel brackets 75 mm. diameter for measures 4 to 5.50 meters.

199.00 *

can be shipped within 1 days

Product no.: Standar s-100

Mobile reel telescopic tubes and stainless steel brackets 100 mm. diameter for measures 4 to 7,25 m.

From 289.00 *

can be shipped within 1 days