
Swimming pool maintenance

Swimming pool maintenance

Products for cleaning your swimming pool. Keep your pool water clean and pleasant for swimming and enjoy yourself.


  • Swimming pool leaners
  • UV Sterilization
  • Robots for swimming pools

UV sterilizer

UV sterilizer

Clean and sanitize your pool using ultraviolet light and avoid the unpleasant smell of chlorine.

Pool cleaner robot

Pool cleaner robot

Our automatic pool cleaner will allow you to keep your swinming pool clean without any effort.

Manual cleeners

Manual cleeners

If you prefer clean your pool can use one of our pool cleaner manuals, and articulated......

Cleaning and desinfection

Cleaning and desinfection

Products for the cleaning and the disinfection of the water of your swimming pool and your pond

Cleaning pool systems

Cleaning pool systems

Systems to purify the pits electric and solar, valid to news swimming pools or already built.

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1 - 60 of 75 results

Net Spa Filtration Block

Product no.: SP-N1408761-1

39.00 / unit(s) *

Cork for Poolex Turbo Salt/Sell-in Electrolyser

Product no.: CL-TSLCAP

45.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days

Net Spa 2017 Filtration Cartridge

Product no.: SP-N1407535

This product is out of stock

19.00 / unit(s) *

Net Spa antibacterial kit filter + filtration support

Product no.: SP-N1408761

49.00 / unit(s) *

Pure Flow Filter Cartridge Lot of 2

Product no.: JL-P14106

Out of stock, we invite you to check outPureFlow polymer mass for Sand filter 130gr.


21.00 / unit(s) *


Product no.: 63163

23.90 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days


Product no.: 17228

24.20 / unit(s) *


Product no.: 1143172

29.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days


Product no.: 69870

26.99 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Bacti Stop antibacterial filters for VITA Premium

Product no.: SP-N1408785

This product is out of stock

29.00 / unit(s) *

Active Oxygen 20 tablets of 20g Spa Treatment

Product no.: SP-NOXYTAB-20

59.00 / unit(s) *

Astralpool 5L free copper winter

Product no.: 16553

34.90 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Filtration bag for Kayak pool cleaners

Product no.: GR-8150

This product is out of stock

37.00 / unit(s) *

Inverlog Astralpool invernador pools

Product no.: 69872

37.99 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days


Product no.: 7543162

49.80 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Invernador Astralpool 5 LT

Product no.: 11430

69.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days


Product no.: 03226

69.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days

STICK VAC battery electric pool cleaner

Product no.: VCB08

75.00 / unit(s) *

POOL & SPA VAC battery electric pool cleaners

Product no.: CSPA

109.00 / unit(s) *

Professional VAC hydraulic suction pool cleaners

Product no.: 19007

149.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days

Hayward DV4000 Hydraulic Membrane Pool Cleaner

Product no.: BA-119337

179.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

It can be shipped within 2 days

Sand filter with 6-way valve for swimming pools

Product no.: 93396

209.00 / unit(s) *

Swimming pool sand filter pump 400 W 11000 l/h

Product no.: VI90291

199.00 / unit(s) *
Old price 255.00 €
You save 56.00 €

It can be shipped within 1 days

Super VAC battery electric pool cleaners

Product no.: VCB10P

199.00 / unit(s) *

Electric battery cleaner ELECTRIC VAC

Product no.: VCB10

205.00 / unit(s) *

Octopus Automatic Pool Cleaner

Product no.: BA-65083

This product is out of stock, ask us for similar alternatives.

209.00 / unit(s) *

Battery-powered robotic pool cleaner Gre Wet Runner

Product no.: RBR60

219.00 / unit(s) *

Silica sand filter for swimming pool 400 mm

Product no.: BOMB-400MM

280.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Wet Runner Plus battery-powered robotic pool cleaner

Product no.: RBR75

289.00 / unit(s) *

Electric battery cleaner ELECTRIC VAC PLUS

Product no.: VCB50

305.00 / unit(s) *

Electric Robot for pool Red Panther up to 100m3

Product no.: RO-PANTHER1

319.00 / unit(s) *

ACTION VAC battery-powered electric pool cleaner

Product no.: VCB50P

319.00 / unit(s) *

Hydraulic pool cleaner sand shark


359.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

It can be shipped within 2 days

Swimming pool sand filter pump 600W 17000 l/h

Product no.: vida90396

368.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Pool cleaner robot Zodiac TornaX OT 2100

Product no.: PO-WR000124

569.00 *

Electric Pool Cleaner Robot - ER 230

Product no.: WR000501

659.00 / unit(s) *

Tornado D400 V2023 Automatic Floor Cleaner

Product no.: BA-133566

809.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Tornado D500 V2023 Automatic Pool Cleaner

Product no.: BA-133567

859.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Pool cleaner robot Gre Kayak Future RKFA100

Product no.: Gre-RKFA100

This product is out of stock

995.00 *

Legend drive cleaner without pump

Product no.: BA-54269

This product is out of stock, ask us for similar alternatives.

799.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

Tornado D600 Automatic Pool Cleaner 12 m length

Product no.: BA-133568

999.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

POOLICAN Filtration Equipment for pools up to 25m3

Product no.: PC-POOLICAN-100

1,739.00 / unit(s) *

Legend drive cleaner with pump

Product no.: BA-54270

1,999.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

It can be shipped within 2 days

Blue Connect smart pool analyzer

Product no.: 73014

195.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Pool cleaner Pulit Advance+ 3

Product no.: 57340

689.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Pool cleaner Dolphin Easyclean

Product no.: SCP-11911

roduct out of stock, we invite you to review the BWT D300 Pool Cleaning Robot.


595.00 *

Pool Cleaner Hurricane 5

Product no.: 57345

Out of stock, we invite you to review the Tornado D400 Automatic Pool Cleaner that has similar characteristics.

1,250.00 *

Qualer Automatic Pool Cleaner

Product no.: BA-119474

379.00 *

It can be shipped within 2 days

Bluenexus wireless pool cleaner robot

Product no.: BlueNexus

1,399.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days

I-QUALER electric pool cleaner up to 50m2

Product no.: BA-119475

469.00 *

It can be shipped within 2 days

Bora TOP Drive bluetooth automatic pool cleaner

Product no.: BA-126698

1,199.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Saline Turbo Salt Chlorinator for 30m3 pools

Product no.: CL-TS300

229.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

It can be shipped within 2 days

Turbo Salt Saline Chlorinator for Pools 10m3

Product no.: CL-TS100

180.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

Clorador Salino Turbo Sal para piscinas de 20m3

Product no.: CL-TS200

Product out of stock, ask us for a product with similar characteristics.

229.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

Saline Turbo Salt Chlorinator for 40m3 pools

Product no.: CL-TS400

260.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

It can be shipped within 2 days

Saline Turbo Salt Chlorinator for 60m3 pools

Product no.: CL-TS600

319.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

It can be shipped within 2 days

Saline Turbo Salt Chlorinator for 80m3 pools

Product no.: CL-TS800

419.00 / unit(s) *
Product data sheet

It can be shipped within 2 days

Pool Cleaning Robot BWT D300

Product no.: 1016300

790.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Automatic Pool Cleaner I QUALER BATTERY

Product no.: 135489

549.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days


Product no.: 18368

39.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days

Price includes VAT and delivery to Spain

1 - 60 of 75 results