
Solar heating pool system

Solar heating pool system

Heat your pool using solar energy. By installing special solar panels for swimming pools you can heat the pool using only the sun's energy, you can have your pool heated or heated for almost free.

Different models of air conditioning by solar energy

  • Polypropylene manifolds
  • Fin tubes
  • Hemispherical manifolds ...

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Solar heater Gre for removable pools

Product no.: 90230

139.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 1 days

ECO Solar Heater for above ground pools

Product no.: SH70

119.00 / unit(s) *

Polipropilene colector system

Product no.: Climatizacion por paneles

From 2,080.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Heated pools

2,080.00 *

Solar heating for small pools

Product no.: Ar20693

This product is out of stock

75.00 *

Aboveground pools Solar Heating

Product no.: AR2069

199.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Pool heating with biomass

Product no.: calentamiento por biomasa

2,590.00 *
Old price 3,275.00 €
You save 685.00 €

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar panel polypropylene 1.2 x 3metters

Product no.: c1512

369.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar hot water system Discoterm

Product no.: discoterm

1,949.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Support umbrella disc Collector

Product no.: SD

620.00 *

100 m roll tube solar air conditioning

Product no.: Tubo Solar-Ripp SOLICITA COTIZACION

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar heating swimming pool system 16 m2

Product no.: Saclim-001

2,080.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar heating swimming pool system 21 m2

Product no.: saclim-0002

2,397.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar heating swimming pool system 26 m2

Product no.: saclim-0003

2,710.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar heating swimming pool system 31 m2

Product no.: saclim-0004

3,022.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar heating swimming pool system 37 m2

Product no.: saclim-0005

3,336.00 *

It can be shipped within 1 days

Solar Pool Heater aquadome 20

Product no.: pc dome 10

This procudt is out of stock, you can see more produts the heat your swimming pool here: Heating swimming pool system.

259.00 *
Old price 298.00 €
You save 39.00 €

Solar system union kit

Product no.: SA-Kit2051

39.00 / unit(s) *

Solar collector union kit

Product no.: SA-Kit2050

45.00 / unit(s) *

It can be shipped within 2 days

Price includes VAT and delivery to Spain